
Our Services offerings are designed to help organizations offload their routine, short term as well as specialized skill requirements to our Engineers & Consultants and focus on their Core Initiatives & Long term goals. With the pool of skilled, trained & certified professionals, we ensure to provide right skills matched to the expected deliverables.
Low Productivity, Absenteeism, Inadequate skills, Excuses, Sick/Annual leave replacements, Hiring Challenges, Supervision issues - these are common issues in IT departments at most of the organizations.  Further, Overheads & Indirect costs ride heavily above employee salaries. All these factors take away quality time of CIOs & Senior Managers making them spend late evenings & weekends in office while struggling to cope up with their most important responsibilities towards organization's business Objectives.

Wavepac brings in its years of expertise in this area  by offering skilled IT resources and take away all the burden of CIOs & Senior Managers, helping them devote quality time to organization's Business goals as well as to their families. more...
Managed Services

As organizations grow, the routine tasks are faced with the challenges of Performance issues, Process shortcomings, ever challenging Management tools & exceeding timelines! This just keeps increasing and IT management is unable to devote quality time to new initiatives & strategic projects, most of the CIOs & Senior IT Managers spend late evenings & weekends due to these challenges. 

We at Wavepac help organizations come out of this never ending story by setting strategy to outsource routine IT services in the form of Managed Services model. The model revolves around & comprises of People, Processes, Tools & SLA. Once adopted, your routine tasks will transform to strategic periodic review mechanisms and relieve you to focus on Strategic projects and bring out new initiatives. more...

IT Service Management (ITSM)

Today's businesses depend extensively on IT for all their functions from Design desks to Collection of money as well as from hiring of employees to payment to employees. With so much of dependence on IT, IT departments need to ensure to have IT systems function round the clock as well as IT personnel support users in a timely fashion. And like any other functions in the business, these things do not work without proper processes for IT Service Management being in place.


Wavepac with its extensive research into IT Services have been guiding number of customers towards IT Service Management model for quite some time. As part of these services, we help organizations align their services in lines with industry standards. more...


Electricity doesn't shut off regularly, Fire doesn't break out every other day, Earthquakes do not occur so often! But these unpredictable things do happen once in a while and can cause complete disaster to the businesses' IT setup bringing them to a halt! Thanks to technology, with various means & techniques, we can plan to recover from IT related disasters from a few seconds to few hours!

Wavepac offers IT DR consultancy services enabling businesses plan for their IT services to continue in a short time from some other location if any disaster situations prevent IT systems to function from the main location. With the variety of options available, we will take you through your journey to the maturity of IT DR. more..